Actually,A child asked me , " What is God Anyway". I didn't know exactly how to answer her as I did not want to offend her scientist,atheist father.
After we discussed the the subject a bit,I told her that I would write her a story. I attended all Catholic Schools through graduate school and was given ,at an early age, the marvelous gift of faith and wonder . I wanted to impart the innocence,hope , joy and awe that was given to me
Since i was given these gifts, I wanted to somehow share that with her; again without offending her father.
Thus, this nonsectarian story of God as the Creator came into being.
I had in mind the illustrations that I wanted and since I am not a graphic artist, Eleanor Jove Wall beautifully
captured the text with her charming art.
I do hope children of all ages will find this hopeful and uplifting.