"With a lilt in her charming British accent, Jessica Ball introduces listeners to the companion audiobook to the PBS series VICTORIA...Ball is aided by narrator Dugald Bruce Lockhart, who ably adds newspaper commentaries and other observations from Victorian writings. Together, they create a fascinating portrait of the young royals and give listeners an enjoyable experience." — AudioFile Magazine
The official companion to the second season of the PBS/Masterpiece drama Victoria by award-winning creator and screenwriter Daisy Goodwin.
More than 16 million viewers watched the first season of the Masterpiece presentation of Victoria, created and written by Daisy Goodwin—the highest-rated PBS drama in twenty years, second only to Downton Abbey.
But what happened after the Queen married her handsome prince? Did they live happily ever after, or did their marriage, like so many royal marriages past and present, fizzle into a loveless round of duty?
This all-new companion audiobook by Daisy Goodwin and Sara Sheridan transports listeners to the private world of Victoria and Albert. Though first cousins, they could not have been more different: Victoria was impulsive, emotional, and capricious, Albert cautious, self-controlled, and logical. But together they forged a bond with each other and with their people that would change the world. Drawing on letters and diaries and fresh insights into royal history, this compelling audiobook charts the constant ebb and flow of power within the couple's surprisingly ardent and modern marriage.
Expertly arranged and full of rich insider detail, Victoria & Albert takes listeners behind the scenes of the magnificent TV drama, including fascinating, in-depth information on the actors, the props, and the costumes – and bringing an extraordinary royal marriage even more fully to life.
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